Monday, December 31, 2007
Pretty Much
I think no one is reading at this time of year so I am not posting a lot of stuff I was going to. I think I am the only one stranded at home. Taking of for K-1 in an hour. Have a nice New Year's Eve.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Steve's Still Dead
Saturday, December 29, 2007
UFC 79: Yellow, Blue and Green-Lance Hahn Benefit
As usual, Subfighter has already put the fantasy betting off-limits so I can't look at my actual picks. These picks will be special for you!
Bocek vs. Evans: I don't know much about either guy. Bocek's name has been floating out there for a while. He is very experienced in the world of jiu-jitsu. Evans is from Alaska. Bocek by sub in the 2nd.
Carneiro vs. DeSouza: Carneiro is a guy I would like to root for. Good skill set. Brazilian. Desouza has a giant beard and trains with B.J. Penn. DeSouza by decision.
Lister vs. Radev: Radev is an accomplished wrestler. Lister is the boogeyman. I think that Lister's grappling is levels above Radev's. I really enjoy watching him fight. Very little stand-up in this one. Lister by interesting sub in the 2nd.
Gamburyan vs. Mohr: I would loose to anyone who fights professionally, thats a given, I would be scared to fight Gamburyan. Mohr, I don't know. Gamburyan by G-n-P TKO in the 1st.
Cane vs. Irvin: Irvin is crazy to watch fight. Something is going to explode, whether it is his knee or his opponent's head. Always exciting. Irvin by KO in the 3rd.
Clementi vs. Guillard: Slidell vs. NOLA. That crazy rotating bridge vs. straight up crazy. Guillard is, athletically, the total package. Explosive. His body shot KO on Gabe Rudeiger is legendary. But, he is prone to dumb mistakes. Clementi is pretty much the reverse of that, with less cocaine in his system. Guillard by KO in the 2nd.
Machida vs. Sokoudjou: Probably my fight of the night. I really love both of these fighters. Machida is frustrating to people. Some don't like to watch him fight. I admire him as a technician. He owns wins over some of the giants in the sport. I really enjoy watching his odd style and counter-striking. Sokoudjou is a judoka with bombs for hands. Machida waits him out until he gasses. Machida by decision.
Palalei vs. Sanchez: Very little opinion on this fight. Sanchez can throw hands against anyone not named Mirko. Sanchez by 2nd round KO
Liddell vs. Silva: I should be super stoked about this. Wait. Let me climb in my time machine and go back two years. This fight could be more abut the return of Wandy than the fight itself. I did have this going to Chuck. Chuck is great at KOing people who chase after him. Witness Babalu. Silva is great and chasing people down. I have changed my mind. I think Silva is going to win it by virtue of the fact that he now trains with Couture. Who better to game plan with? Wandy by KO in the 2nd.
Hughes vs. St. Pierre: Hughes has been a dominant fighter over the years. But, I will say what I say every time; Can he improve? I don't think he can. I think he is as strong as he is going to get. His wrestling is as good as it is going to get. His striking shows no signs of getting much better. None of this is good enough to defeat GSP. GSP was better last time and he keeps getting better. GSP out wrestled Koscheck, who I would consider a better, more explosive wrestler than Hughes. There is always a danger that Hughes gets on top and GSP can't get out. I see GSP 2nd round KO. Serra has to wait to fight Hughes in the barn
Take it to the bank.
I Get the Strange...
edit: I just translated this to Japanese and then back to English with an online translator, as I know some Japanese people who try to read this site that way. It was pretty funny in Japanese. Here it is back in English for those of you who are not Ed or Jennifer.(Or a loyal Japanese literate reader that I am unaware of.)
The スパム mail of st. That seems like the thing which is said, "in 2008 control of acquisition of your ejaculation! "Me thank you. And, "range large-sized this year of the May your penis. "It causes all lucks and, that exactly and the れ is! There is a steering wheel of the problem which really shows them themselves of my life in those. Why you do not send the mail those like me, if "the wooden び coming stand of the $50 is given to us, most this time. "The we are the method of finishing the novel which last year is ended or" we like the album which really you make, sell to us. "Or," do to come in our graduate schools. "It does not go or why to forward and, that. "Really it is possible to be your work because and everyone so thinks, whether it does not maintain,", or, ". How like that concerning the スパム mail which old last 30 years already is not in the world where it is not possible "to obtain the credit card?
and how!
Friday, December 28, 2007
K-1 Dy-No-Mite!!!
I Did It
It' s Raining
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My New Favorite Song
I Never New Romney Was a Mexican Immigrant
So I stayed in and watched the police chase the Bosozoku around and watched Project Runway. Great.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve Eve
Support Impeachment Hearings
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Huckabee Dilemma
Old But Not Surprising
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Mikuni Christmas Cleaning
For Now
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My Brain Hurts
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
the yes yes y'all’s Political Songs
"Phasing" Begins with a Huey P. Long quote. I haven't recorder vocals for it yet. There you go.
A Very Particular Discovery
Strange Things Afoot!
To begin that story though, Friday morning I walked into the school to witness old judo coach in a verbal spat with the soccer coach. They were going at it pretty hardcore. Being trashed later I discussed this with the 二次会 warriors. Apparently they were arguing over the same thing judo teacher got mad at me about, his territorialism over his beloved dojo. Hmm.
Also, Yoshida sensei, who sits next to me, was very disturbed by news of my canning. She said she would call the Osaka Board of Ed. She also told the principal. I was excited but, all it has led to so far is a few phone numbers that might tell me of a school that is hiring. I really want to stay at my school. Ever since I left JET I have been hoping to end up somewhere nice for a bit. In the process I have turned 30 and not gone to grad-school. Maybe it is time to say "fuck it." To quote the rooster.
Monday, December 17, 2007
I Can't Be Stopped
Also, these aren't the real album covers...I am having trouble getting the real ones to the correct aspect ratio. Forgiveness please.
To anyone who knows what I am talking about: I have been using these doo-doo speakers for a while. I loaded up the old 808 today and found that it doesn't even register on these. It just kind of hums softly. To be corrected at my neighbor's horror.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
For the Record
This is the Kabu. The turnip radish. I now love it. When Brett left for Korea he got stuck with a bunch of organic vegetables that Zack had talked him into ordering and then fled the country. I bought them for $20 and worried that they would go to waste. Yesterday, hungover and immobile with knee pain I decided to make a soup. First I cut up this bad boy and decided to eat him raw. Best vegetable I have ever eaten, hands down. The outside tastes like raw potato and feels colder towards the middle. It isn't sweet but it isn't bitter. The stems taste like warm butter, even though they were in the fridge.
The soup turned out quite good, but sliced up and raw is the way to go on this one. Oh, kabu! I sing your praises.
Kid's Brains
Air America, Whither Thou Goest?
Now, AA has fired Kent Jones. Kent Jones has been a continous bright spot through all of these shows and somehow remained as everyone else went away. What are they thinking. I guess they want to appeal to mid-40s hopeless women who live in one room apartments comforted by their cats and the hope that beautiful gay men will turn straight for them. I am not sure what they are thinking. It goes back to our theme of the week (month, year) that those who make the decisions have to right to be making these decisions.
To deepen the mystery, the last good show left on AA, The Young Turks, has disappeared over the last two days. What is going on? No one knows.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'm a better MC than Jay-Z
That hayseed
he frolics with beyonce
while I waste what some say
was a promising life
I drop the bomb and he drops little knifes
I'll make him my mid-wife
While I toast to my self-worth
He can sweep up the afterbirth
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
More Politics
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Let me Talk Right Down to Earth in a Language That Everyone Here Can Easily Understand
I'm Ta-rd.
Today I taught the bane of my teaching career; 2-4. Imaichi, 2-4. I rather like their homeroom teacher. He has the desk next to mine and is the hulking rugby coach as well as a nice guy. 2-4 is full of half-wits and chowder heads. It also presents a good lesson in the problems with team teaching.
Team teaching assumes that we are not real teachers, we are special guests. In most classes, the teachers and students have taken me on as a real teacher and I haven't had many problems. However, the environment makes discipline confusing. Who's job is it? Am I a step-parent? An uncle? A guest in the home? Do I have a right to discipline a kid? Do they think I have the right to discipline them? To confuse all of this, the teacher for all of the 2nd year classes at Imaichi, while being a nice guy, is kind of a nice guy. He lets a lot of shit go. The problem with 2-4 is that they talk constantly through everything that I am trying to say. There are kids in the class who are trying to do the lesson and the rest just talk. I tell them repeatedly to stop talking. I don't whine about it. I don't say "Please, please, pretty please, you Kings of New England." At this point I ask them at the first of class, "Can we have class today?" I know the kids by name. I stop the class and ask them, by name, why they are talking and knocking the desks around and being pests. If it were just me in the class I would go over the top, grab the worst one, and throw them out of class. I wanted to today. Not in a lose my shit kind of way. But to tell them that they aren't allowed to act the fool in my classes. But, with the presence of another teacher I have to walk a tight rope. But I know he isn't going to do anything.
To make it worse, and what really pissed me off today is that one of the girls, who was sitting in the back doing everything but paying attention, said to me, "I'm sorry I don't understand English." When I got on to her. That actually pissed me off. That is why me and James go on about the "I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish." scene in Anchorman. When the girl, and the boy next to her were acting up during the class, I walked to the back and said to both of them, "You can't act like this in my class. I have asked you nicely, now it is time to quit, got it?" In perfectly intelligible Japanese, that was her response. I think that that is so insanely disrespectful that I do see it as a reason to make her leave class. Also, it undermines discipline altogether. This problem has been recurrent in Japanese classes. I imagine that a lot of teachers are kind of oblivious to it and are made a joke of a good deal of the time. Homey don't play that. I used to have these terrible neighbor children in Saito. They would run in my house without asking. If I yelled at them in Japanese, they would laugh. If I yelled at them in English, they would say, "We can't understand." Annoying. As a larger issue it is one reason why I hate most English TV personalities. They allow themselves to be made a joke of for profit so mos Japanese people, especially children, see foreigners as 'funny people' even in a serious situation, even when they aren't joking. I ain't no joke son.
Oh look, I found a video of my Christmas lesson:
Monday, December 10, 2007
I Can't Stop
If you want to embed this in your own blog, or myspace or anything...please do! I will put up some other yes yes y'all stuff soon.
I Can Stop
It Was Me...I Did It.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Your Real Tune for the Galaxy
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Short Skirt ?Yes Indeed
I Don't Know....Faggot
Mess With the Bull...
I got the master/slave relationship wrong(if i had a penny) and the computer rebooted to my former OS and desktop which had been lost and assumed to stay that way...odd. It is like getting your ex-girlfriend pregnant at the class reunion and having a cute baby that you never wanted.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Florida= Weird
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Evel Dead

Evel Knievel died. At home! Of natural causes!! That is probably his greatest stunt. Job well done Mr. Knievel. Sometimes it is hard to remember what a large psychic force this guy was on the U.S. in the late '70s early '80s. I remember building bike ramps and riding over them yelling "He's down. He's hurt. He's not even moving. He's hurt." Which was the call from his infamous Ceaser's Palace jump. These were the days when descramblers were our Youtube and it took a special kind of crazy to go national. He is like the Pittsburgh Steeler's Superbowl years. I know I must have been too young to actually watch but they are somehow present in my memory. Fucking nutcase. Well played sir.
Conservapedia Smokes the Hog
The First?
Update: Mr. Vasquez died today. He had a wife and a son. It appears as if he had a preexisting medical condition.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Death Talk
Sean Taylor's death sucks a lot. I think it bothers me because it is very similar to what happened to Kumar. Also the guy was young and played safety(I tried to play safety). Two things about his killing: 1. The way people get shot on TV is completely wrong. Taylor was shot in the leg and died. He didn't hop around and say, "Ow man, you shot me!" That is one reason I liked the accidental shooting in Pulp Fiction so much. You play around with guns people die, immediately. 2. When there is a dispute over police shootings and people say, "Why couldn't they just shoot him in the leg?" Because it is hard to 'just shoot someone in the...anywhere.' Also because people die from being shot in the leg just as easily as they die from being shot in the face. That doesn't mean I think it is okay for the police to shoot people, just that it is a ridiculous complaint to say that they just could have shot them in the legs and it makes your argument sound stupid. Anyway, no late hits on Lance Hahn's ghost or Norman Mailer will stab you. Oh, you gotta love that Taylor came out with a machete. Florida in the house.
Kyoto Arkansas?
Although Kyoto is certainly lovely, I wonder sometimes if they just dropped old castles or temples over Little Rock or Birmingham if it wouldn't have the same feel. Right Mom? Right? My neck is still killing me so some of these photos might be lopsided.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I went down the street to Nijo-Jo today. A week and a half ago I went with Toshi. The leaves hadn't quite turned. I noticed today that they were almost gone. I ran down at closing time to get some photos. Most of them were taken in haste. Forgiveness please.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Eating Whale Necks
Last night I had a nomikai with the teachers from Mikuni. It was for the teachers of first year students. I teach all years but I sit with them. The old men like me now because I drank shyochu with them. What I didn't do was eat the whale necks. We got their early so they served us whale necks while we were waiting. I asked if they were really whale necks. "Yes." Fuck that. The old guys laughed at me. There is a new Japanese response. "In some countries they eat dogs." I told them that babies probably taste good, but I don't eat them. The old science teacher told me that the modern world is fucked. He said he smokes in front of his students and says, "That's my nutrition." Because everyone else tells them smoking is bad. That's kind of funny. I kind of respect that in a terrible, horrible way.
My Neck, My Back
Sometime yesterday, I managed to injure my neck. A lot. Really bad. It hurts like a truckload of hurt hurts. I can't look left. I am not exaggerating. It is true and real pain. Help. I hope it goes away tomorrow. Getting out of bed is very hard. I had to kind of lift my head with one hand and scoot out. At Imaichi they are learning judo and I was helping out. That might have done it, but everyone yesterday was very weak. One kid was goofing off and Ohara sensei picked him up by the lapels and threw him into a wall. It was money. I taught a class by myself. The kids were so-so. I took one's tennis ball and threw it out the window and made another sit in a special desk at the front of the class. He said he wouldn't move. I said 'You don't way that much." He kept asking, "What does that mean?" I said that it meant that it really didn't matter if he moved himself or not. Then he moved. The problem with jr. high kids is they always have to try and save some dignity so they act sullen or keep trying to act like they are getting away with something and you either have to go over the top or ignore it. I didn't like them even when I was one.
James Draws Well
I'm envious. It must be relieving to be able to produce art. This is James at dinner drawing in Natsuki's friend Kayo's notebook.
Kyushu Basho
Sorry for the no posting. I have been going to work and then falling asleep. I went to Fukuoka for the Kyushu Basho. Lots of drama as Asashyoryu is still out on suspension. Kotooshyu is still out. Kaiyo was threatening retirement and Chiyotaikai was pushing Hakuho for the championship. Takamisakari is still an f'ing nutcase. Chad and James came up. James got the bus up on Saturday and didn't have a place to stay. I left him at Jacky's- the Southern themed bar-after a shot of Wild Turkey and a beer. I got up with him after 9 phone calls in the morning to a response of, "Well I've been better." Chad actually beat him to the venue even though he left from Miyazaki and James was only 20 minutes away. It was nice to confront the day with no hangover. There were some great bouts in the lower divisions. The main events seemed a bit lacking as Chiyotaikai dropped out due to injury, thereby eliminating any play-off with Hakuho. We also thought it had robbed Kaiyo of his final bout in front of his hometown fans, but he announced later that he isn't retiring. The bout of the night, easily was Baruto and.....who was it??? Baruto and somebody going back and forth for minutes. Kotomitsuki upset Hakuho in the last bout, which was nice. It also meant we got to throw pillows! Yeah!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sumo Better Blues
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
That's Odd, I Went to Immigration Today
This article also. The e-mail is fake, but pretty much what the real one would be.
I see the 'help prevent terrorism' signs on my way to work every day. Oh Japan, you are so big and important. Everyone wants to attack your bus lines. It wasn't looney Japanese people who gassed you subways. It was us crazy foreigners, no longer content to drink your beer and chat up your daughters. If they really wanted to keep out undesirable foreigners that would start handing out chastity belts.
The Red Hills of Georgia
Oh! I found a copy of her speech.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Analogy of the Tape Player
For the next class, 1-5, I went slow. I told them there were things called nouns and things called verbs. Yoshida-sensei freaked out because the word for noun and pronoun are different in Japanese. I said that I didn't care. That some things were people or objects or animals and others were things that are done. I would rather just teach them the words "noun' "Verb" and "Pronoun" in English and then work on short sentences everyday. But, no. They have to learn things they will never use and will only confuse them. Some kids understood, "Godzilla does karate." But class was largely unsuccessful.
Cut to lunch time. We have to record the listening test for next week. On the 4th floor is a very expensive language lab, with computers and headsets and microphones and dubbing equipment. Behind it is a store room, cold and grossly disorganized. Yoshida-sensei takes me to that room where an old tape deck sits on a cluttered table. She hooks a cheap microphone into the mic jack and hits record. She messes up the start of the script. She rewinds the tape with her fingers. (most teachers do this and I can never get a straight answer as to why.) We start again. She tells me to speak louder and get close to the mic as kids said they couldn't hear last time. I explained that when you yell in a mic you get tons of pop and static that makes it hard to understand. To much time in studios and recording has made this process painful to me. When we finally finish, pro that I am making no mistakes, we check the tape to find that the mic was cutting out during the whole process. Yoshida-sensei panics and runs off to class. I go to the Language Lab and spend 15 minutes with the system. I figure out how to record on the nice tape deck or the MD, with a set of monitoring headphones, a nice mic, and variable levels. I had to remove boxes of tissue and hundreds of copied work sheets to get to everything but...
I don't even need to make an analogy. That is the Japanese education system. Throwing sand at the floodwaters and wondering why they keep rising. When we finished recording, I tried to explain how to record on the system to Yoshida-sensei. She responded, "I can't use computers. Don't even show me. It's no good." I told her that 1-5 is her home room class, and that is just what they say about English. "Oh, you're right." She replied.
UFC 78 "Tide of Fate" How I Fared
Absolutely-and pretty much- right: Gono, Aurellio, Lauzon, Parisyan, Herman, Evans.
Wrong....WRONG!: Silva, Edgar, Alves.
Lytle was voted fight of the night, and was begging to continue when the doctor called it so.... Edgar proved he is the real deal in stomping Fisher. Alexander derailed. Evans boring. Parisyan will only KO someone with a hammer.
At least I will own up to my mistakes.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Motherfucking Cocksucking Bitches
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My Wierd Evening
Housing Racism
UFC 78 "Tide of Fate" Predictions
Akihiro Gono Vs. Tamdan McCrory: Gono has fought everybody. He has won some, he has lost some. Tamdan McCrory is a barn cat. Gono by decision.
Luke Caudillo Vs. Marcus Aurellio: Aurellio is at the tale end of a carer that looked as if it would be storied. Caudillo has some nutty tattoos, a good record and fails to interest me. Aurellio by submission in the 3rd.
Jason Reinhardt Vs. Joe Lauzon: I loved Joe Lauzon. Then he went to train with B.J. Penn. Now I must super-love him. He looks like the crazy kid on the block who took his treehouse a little too seriously. He fights with a rare furry. Plus Reinhardt looks like a gross guy who hangs out at a restaurant down by the docks and has dinosaur arms. Lauzon by death whenever he feels like it.
Chris Lytle Vs. Thiago Alves: Alves is Brazilian and fights for American Top Team. I should be for him. But I will be consistent ; I have said that I think that Lytle can fight anyone to a decision. I say that still. Lytle by decision.
Frank Edgar Vs. Spencer Fisher: Edgar is an impressive fighter. I don't care for Miletich fighters, nevertheless; Fisher by 2nd round KO.
Ryo Chonan Vs. Karo Parisyan: This is the fight that most interests me. Chonan has always put on exciting fights. He beat Anderson Silva with a now notorious submission. Parisyan, despite his boorish appearance on TUF is one of my favortie fighters to watch...ever. He has made the smoothest transition from judoka to MMA. His use of judo throws without the gi is incredible. For being a powerful, explosive guy, he has little to no knockout power. Parisyan by decision.
Joe Doerkson Vs. Ed Herman: All of my better senses tell me Doerkson by submission. He has tons of experience and a solid sub game. Somehow I think this is the fight were Herman's strength and ability come together. Herman by bloody TKO in the 3rd.
Thiago Silva Vs. Houston Alexander: I have yet to witness the Houston Alexander phenomenon , but I believe in it. Alexander by 1st round KO.
Michael Bisping Vs. Rashad Evans: Bisping is a guy that you know that is very athletic. Rashad Evans is an athlete. I don't know if he is the real deal as an MMA champion, but he is the real deal as an athelte. Bisping won't be able to keep Evans off of him. Evans by 3rd round TKO.
Take it to the office.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My mom has become strangely obsessed with her new dog. Hi mom. You have become strangely obsessed with your new dog. We had another dog. I think he was treated poorly as he was a product of a failed marriage. He died. Sorry mom. So my mom wants everyone to vote for how cute her dog is. She also called me to ask if she could throw away all of my old soccer trophies and my taekwondo belt and uniform. Interesting. Very interesting. Is this what April and I get for not giving her grandbabies.
Japanese Science
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
And I Don't Feel so Good Myself
attempting to silence the voices in my head.