At night anyway. Slept for about 2-3 hours. Now up. Think I will stay up. Applied for three jobs online. Thinking hard about grad school again... But then again. I started training at Purebred Kyoto this week. It would be so nice to be in one place long enough to get a belt in anything. I would love a belt in BJJ but that would take about 10 years of being somewhere. Errr..The situation is making me nuts. Nuts I tell you. Back to work tomorrow. In this photo, Sakuraba is the world at large stomping on me and my dreams. Or maybe it is me, rallying and making a comeback and stomping the larger, controlling forces, gathering to destroy me. Or maybe it is just Sakuraba jumping on Funaki because the crowd wanted him to and I was in the crowd and I was happy and sometimes trying to live your life the way you want to is a hassle and will never be easy, but some times Sakuraba does things like this because deep in your heart you really want him to.
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