Friday, April 23, 2010

Something is Blocking the Sun!!!

Have I posted a link to this before? If not I will now because it is so rad. How awesome is that picture? How little do I care about Earth Day? Shit like this exists and we were able to do it. That is so bad-ass. I remember the first Earth Day that I can remember. We bought plants and T-shirts at Wal-Mart and planted them in the front yard. The plants, not the T-shirts. It rained and we felt that that had something to do with the environment. Shopping at Wal-Mart. No, wait, shopping really in general negates whatever plants we plant. Now, I am not a survivalist, but maybe I am a priority-ist. We exist on a little spaceship in front of the Sun, just like this one and we have to think about things in those contexts. The ingenuity of Apollo 13 being rescued from disaster is an American folk-legend. Advocating to fix the leak in our spaceship is dubious. I don't care about Earth Day. It will be very hard to role back the clock on consumerism and a World economy. I hope we can generate creative solution so that we can still enjoy the best parts of the society we have now and still maintain. I am skeptical though. We will see.


attempting to silence the voices in my head.