Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day Train to Kyoto

Taking the train back to Kyoto in the driving rain that has persisted through the week. As the Republican convention might be opening, keep an eye on this garbage.


The Artful Insomniac said...

As we here on the gulf await yet another hurricane or two, I have to say that I was impressed with the DNC. I was not expecting much, actually worrying that Obama may be drifted too far to the safe middle, but I was impressed on a nightly basis, Gore’s speech was the only one I really did not get my blood pumping. But the RNC has already got my blood pumping. It has been three years since the worst manmade disaster in recent history and the levees still are not ready, the gulf coast is still not ready and John McCain is ready to broadcast live from “the disaster area” wherever that may be, to capitalize on destruction that some consider you indirectly responsible my blood boil and my stomach turn a little bit, almost as much as his VP pick who could be the inexperienced Dan Quayle or could be the woman who people vote for because she is a women… I do not know. I hope that Ft. Walton, New Orleans, Port Arthur and the entire Gulf Coast makes it out of the next week okay.

Anonymous said...

I saw an article about these "round-ups" in the paper yesterday and I thought it was a joke. I didn't think that could actually be happening!

attempting to silence the voices in my head.