Thursday, September 4, 2008

Community Organizer = Bad?

I only got a chance to read the text of Gov Palin's speech. The conotation that being a community organizer was bad seemed odd to me, but I thought it was just a flaw in the writing in the same way that Sen. Obama seemed to suggest that Joe Biden takes Amtrak drivers home. This piece suggests otherwise. I didn't see the other speeches, so I didn't pick up on the theme. I do, however, know from experience that this is how the Right introduces this garbage. They get Limbaugh going on about it for a week and then have people say it in speeches and then everyone reacts to it like it was common knowledge. I remember it being teacher's unions when I was in high school. "What could be wrong with teacher's having a union?" I thought. Just Limbaugh saying it. Fox tried this a few years back trying to taint "sustainable devolpment" before most people had even heard the term. People are, in the end, exploitable. The GOP knows this. Moreover, their followers are.....followers. That is how they react, that is how they group. This morning in a Waffle House somewhere, the everyday loudmouth is chuckling to himself about "those community activists" and his cracker-ass homeboys will nod their heads in affirmation. "Yep. I had about enough of them." If asked to eleborate they will shrug their shoulders and change the subject to Bill Clinton arranging murders or John Kerry being a secret coward whilst chasing down RPG toting NVA. That dog whistle blows strong. That dog whistle blows long. That dog whistle blows loud. That dog whistle blows.


The Morholt said...

Last nights show didn't get any smarter, but it got much meaner and trashier. Palin came off as a cretin, though her speech was hopefully a product of the mean and vulgar handlers from the party rather than her actual character. Hope Biden will be able to tear her a new one without being pilloried. She may well be indicted for abuse of power before the debate.

lio evilo said...

Palin is white trash balls out. This year's convention speeches are entertaining in a Fox News kind of way. How scary it is to think that she might actually be given the chance to co-lead this country's government...

attempting to silence the voices in my head.