Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Even The Kids-Plus: Translation of Girigiri Gangan

Sunday I was at the gym. Some other people showed up to do jiu-jitsu but I didn't know they were coming. We were taking turns trading back and forth between 5-6 people when the CD player flipped over to The Blue Hearts. This 7 year-old kid who hangs out and is learning judo walked over and turned it up. Probably the best background music I have ever had for anything. If you have never listened to The Blue Hearts, your life has a critical hole. Even though their Japanese is really hard for me to catch I think they have truly great lyrics. There are several differing translations out there, but this one seems the most right to me. Some translations don't catch the pairing of "Jiyu" meaning "freedom" and "jyu" meaning "gun." I present to you a song that makes me nostalgic for a life in Japan that I probably never had. Train Train.

As a bonus. Hiroto's new band with my new karaoke favorite "Girgiri Gangan."

I will translate it later when I get a chance. Just by listening again I think it is:

The sunset is bright. It is bright red. Kick the empty can. It begins. It begins.
The fuse (?) goes "Bachi Bachi" in this moment.
It's romantic when you don't care what you look like.

Today is the greatest. Today is the greatest.
Today is the greatest. Today is the greatest feeling.

You understand it on your own.
You decide it on your own.
We're joking around about cutting you with a razor. (I can't quite get this line in Japanese.)
At this moment the fuse is going "Bachi Bachi."
It's almost dramatic enough to make me laugh.

Today is the greatest. Today is the greatest.
Today is the greatest. Today is the greatest feeling.

1 comment:

The Morholt said...

re. Train Train- reminds of the clash but less emphatically butch. very nice.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.