Monday, June 30, 2008

The Language

Semi-interesting article from Slate on catch-phrases in the language. As usual, I am a bit taken aback by how shallow most journalists' experiences within the culture are. For example, how could someone ever say "It's all good." Without knowing it was an MC Hammer song. I can't fathom out. Also, he never mentions what part reality TV took in bringing a good deal of the phrases he is talking about to the forefront. It is really odd hearing a lot of people you wouldn't spend anytime with saying things that you find yourself saying. To me, it was clearly the interaction between The Daily Show and the blogoshpere that brought "Not so much." To prominence. Now that I am writing this, I find that my larger commentary is that the observers of our culture aren't always so observant. And I am struck with a memory that has nothing to do with any of this of eating lunch at a restaurant/kayak shop somewhere on a hill above Takanbe. Odd.


The Morholt said...

"Not so much" always felt straight from yiddish to me. maybe not, but Paul reiser and Jon Stewart are the two people I've seen it most connected to. It seems like a substitute for the rabbinical "Ehhhhhh"

The Morholt said...

"Not so much" always felt straight from yiddish to me. maybe not, but Paul reiser and Jon Stewart are the two people I've seen it most connected to. It seems like a substitute for the rabbinical "Ehhhhhh"

The Morholt said...


wwc said...

Anti-Semite's always post twice. Yes, it always sounded very Yiddish to me as well.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.