Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fuck Barry Bonds

This is like the Alberto Gonzales Hearings for me. Do we have to pretend that we don't know Bonds used HGH-at least-??? I think there are arguments to be made for why steroids are OK. I think Joe Rogan, strangely enough, made a very convincing argument that they might have their place in competitive sports. What some people don't seem to get about baseball is that it is a competition against the past. Of course things change. We have creatine and training staffs and no long train trips. The only thing I can't get around is what a slap in the face to the nobility of Hank Aaron and what he had to endure to break Babe Ruth's record. Barry Bonds, always a jealous little brat, couldn't stand to retire as mearely one of the best players to ever play the game. He had to take over. He has always been rotten, now he is even more so. Do i think there is a racial component to the hatred directed at Bonds? I think there is a racial component to everything in America. Do I think he is even close to being a decent human being? No. Many athletes flaws have made them compelling figures-George Best, Mickey Mantle, Ty Cobb(just plain rotten), Ali, Tyson, Babe Ruth-But Bonds is something other than flawed, he is deliberate and coniving and immature. I find him spoiled and his story decidedly uncompeling. I well up with tears everytime I see Aaron hugging his mom at home plate because I can understand what it meant for him. I feel nothing for Barry Bonds.


The Artful Insomniac said...

While in other forums and venues, it may sound as though I am defending Barry Bonds, it only because I find him a conundrum, a problem on how to fully consider or think about him. He was a cheater among cheaters in an Era fraught with drug use, fandom gone wrong, and Bud Selig the commissioner who saw nothing. Know Barry the jerk who was raised by a jerk to be the Greatest Baseball Player ever, can never be the greatest baseball player, his reputation is forever tarnished, he can never be the greatest without people, "He was one of the greatest, but..." Much like the the 1919 White Sox can never be the world series champs. I am not sad for Barry(Much Like Al Gore the boy raised to be president who can never be president) I am said for all of us: baseball and fans. Hank Aaron overcome unbelievable conditions to break THE record. Whenever I watch Kne Burns' baseball and they show Hank rounded the bases and they quote his wife talking about hugging him, fearing that he would be shot by a fan, that is always too much for me. And the fact that Bowie Kuhn was not there and never planned on being there when Aaron broke the record, I have always felt like this was a scar on baseball and America. We could be healing that scar now, but instead we have at best an anti-hero mered in controversy or worse a cheater that has scared the game even deeper and yet again the commissioner missed the record being broken.
I think in Game of Shadows that is an ominous dinner that may or may not have occured between Barry and Ken Griffey, Jr. where he and Barry talk about steroids and players taking steroids. I feel now that perhaps time ripped at that moment and Barry followed the statistical path that was Griffey's . And now we can only hope that A-rod can stay healthy and clean and when he is playing for the Las Vegas Marlins or the Portland Devil Rays we can celebrate with the Commish'(Not Michael Chiklis) as he breaks the record. This the Daddy Rabbit reporting from deep within what's left of the Brooks Range.

wwc said...

ron mexico...i've been trying to get a hold of your jersey. Apparently the NFL Store doesn't sell it anymore. What gives?

The Artful Insomniac said...

The CDC and the surgeon general had to destroy most of the jerseys because of health concerns but you can still find some on the nfl website, they are in the same section as the Ray Lewis Post Super Bowel Party Pack,The T.O. "25 Million Reasons Not to Commit Suicide" Self help book, and the Rae Carruth Parenting Book. Thanks for your support.

The Morholt said...

wwc said...

Oh, is that the same section with the Dick Butkus "My Two Dad's Outtakes" where he goes apeshit and kills everybody? And the Mark Chmura hot tub party plan?

The Morholt said...

damn, this thing won´t link the page i want: check out onion story on the disgrace that is Bonds.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.