Monday, August 6, 2007

Wakayama Dolphin Hunts

If you have never heard about the dolphin hunts in Taiji, they are sick. Fisherman use boats to run dolphins and pilot whales into small coves and then spea and beat them to death. The water turns to blood. Several organizations have tried to stop this, but there is really no public awareness of this inside Japan. Even seemingly reasonable Japanese people will roll out every kind of excuse for this inexcusable behavior. Japan is a special country and a little island. It isn't big and strong like the rest of the world and it has to provide for its people. Fishermen are special. You just wouldn't understand. Now, to brave councilmen from Taiji have come out and said that they have had the meat from these dolphins, which is routinely served to school children in their lunches, tested. It is full of dangerous levels of mercury. The government's response: "............" Read the Japan Times article here. While I don't believe in the death penalty, some people need to get deaded up real good. Anyone involved in this bullshit goes to the top of the list.


Jennifer B said...

That's very disturbing...
I've emailed some JETAA folks to see if we can get this info to some of the JETs in Wakayama...

wwc said...

Thanks. That's rad. They should know, because they will be eating kyushoku too.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.