Thursday, July 24, 2008


DSCF8031, originally uploaded by wwc photos.

MIyazaki was good. Tomo got drunk and asked for permission to use his own toilet. No one told me that all of the belongings that I had carefully placed in plastic containers, wrapped in a blue tarp weighed down with concrete and stored under a cover on Chad's roof had been moved and uncovered by someone thereby leaving 95% of them utterly destroyed. It is my fault for leaving them there. It was asking too much but it was hard. It was easier because Natsuki came along and said "Throw it away!" She also added, "Unless you can't." Which makes her rad. I got to go surfing about 3 times. The waves weren't great. James managed to break my board so I tried Tomo's fish, which was impossible. Aoshima waves were tiny, but I rocked James' fun-board. A little bigger at Dobutsuen-ura and we ran into Shiho's sister, who informed me she has a boyfriend these days.

Chad and Caroline are off for Wales, and then to parts unknown. Won't quite be MIyazaki without Chad.

I slept hard on the boat back. A kid on the train today was wearing a basketball shirt that read "Slum Dank." I feel you kid.

This morning I had to work at the education training center with other English teachers on making short videos for elementary schools. THe irony wasn't lost on me that two years ago I was on the waiting list for FSU Film School and now I am having an old lady tell me how to work their beat up video camera.

Now I am getting ready to get on a plane to Hawaii and on to Atlanta. Every moment I am on a plane I am convinced I am going to die. I am pretty sure I won't, but if I do, it was a good run. You can get this post Buzzfeeded as "Dude predicts demise in blog-post." Play The Pogues at my funeral, put my ashes in a cherry bomb and blow up a mailbox or something. I have some good books for the trip.

I am a good shade of brown. On to camp!!!

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attempting to silence the voices in my head.