Monday, March 31, 2008

Dark as a Dungeon

I finally got paid today. I worked 20 days in February at a wage of $135 a day. (let's do this in dollars.) My rent was $750 a month. I stayed in the apartment half of the month. There is also the $300 cleaning fee. With taxes I would say that puts me in the $2,000 for pay are. Wrong. WRONG. They gave me $1,100. $450 immediately goes for rent. The rest has to last, with next month's rent until May 15th-18th. Including Ed's wedding this weekend. So, $900 for rent, with a wedding in between, 2 months on $200. Sound feasible? It isn't. Does this only happen to me? Yes, pretty much. Two years ago was I almost admitted to the most selective film school in America? Yes. Did I score high on the LSAT and GRE? Yes. I did very well. Does my life make any kind of sense to anyone? No. Not really. I emphasize again, that while I bring up good points and try to find interesting things to make it worthwhile, I hate pretty much all this and couldn't feel anymore like I am wasting my time. It is amazing what a difference a few hundred dollars in the bank will make.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.