Monday, March 3, 2008


Rina, originally uploaded by wwc photos.

I didn't realize that Rina's English was so good. I don't know how many times I have to tell the kids that "Mr." plus someone's first name sounds odd. I love Rina. She is really humble and very good at judo. She is big and strong and kind of goofy looking but I think that that makes her super rad. She also studies really hard. I like fighting her too. I am always scared she is going to kick my ass but when I beat her she says "I can't beat you." But I am thinking the same thing about her and she is a 15 year-old girl.


The Morholt said...

Mr. + first name doesn't sound strange to me; I've always been called that by my Black and Southern students.

wwc said...

Hmmmm....yes. You are right. It just sounds weird to me even though I have heard it all my life, I just never associated it with me.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.