Monday, December 10, 2007

I Can Stop

I have meant to write an assortment of post over the past week but I have been either drunk, tired or both. Now I am just one. Pick! I am sorry for the lack of interesting content, but I felt I couldn't bring the heat. I had an end of the year party on Friday and drank with the teachers. My team one the quiz game, partly on the strength of me being able to find Myanmar on a map and later by pulling the highest value card out of a pile. Congratulaions me. No after party meaning an hour long ride on the train, standing up drunk. Back to Kyoto where I meet Brett downtown and trade Brett a used hardrive for a bag of organic vegetables. On to the raggae show with Atsuko-most certainly my type- where I listen to some half decent live raggea, feel left out, get left out and then have my vegetables stolen from right under my nose only to ride my bike 20 minutes home in the Kyoto humi-freeze. On to Saturday where I hang out with Akko even though I didn't really feel like it. Found a good Korean restaurant called Puruda-I recommend- drank even though I didn't want to, tried to be entertaining and went to a bar where one of the guys told me I was very handsome. Congratulations me. I was then told, for the second time this month, and by two people, that I look like the dude from Prison Break. Only because I have a shaved head and a map tattoed on my body. The funny thing is; that's true! So Akko talks me into watching a movie, after drinking, that starts at 12. It is my first trip to the theater in my neighborhood, which is rad, and we saw the Bourne Ultimatum, which was probably good but I was beer drinking tired. I remember there being things in the movie I wanted to talk about.....but I can't think of them now. By the way, never read the books. They are absolute garbage and the only reason I finished all 9,000 pages of one of them is the same reason I don't walkout of movies or leave sporting events early. I think I would have walked out of Domino...what an incredible load of shite. Are there as many typos in this as I feel that there are?

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attempting to silence the voices in my head.