Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Get the Strange... spam mail. It says things like, "Take control of your ejaculation in 2008!" Thank you I will. And, "May your penis reach its full size this year." With any luck, it just might! They really have a handle on the issues that present themselves in my life. Why don't they send me mail like, "Give us $50 bucks and we'll tell you how to finish the novel that was almost finished this time last year." Or "We really like the album you are making, please sell it to us." Or, "Please come to our graduate school." Or, "Since you really are good at your job and everyone thinks so, why don't you go ahead and keep it." Or, "You are no longer the last 30 year old in the world who can't get a credit card." How about some spam mail like that.

edit: I just translated this to Japanese and then back to English with an online translator, as I know some Japanese people who try to read this site that way. It was pretty funny in Japanese. Here it is back in English for those of you who are not Ed or Jennifer.(Or a loyal Japanese literate reader that I am unaware of.)

The スパム mail of st. That seems like the thing which is said, "in 2008 control of acquisition of your ejaculation! "Me thank you. And, "range large-sized this year of the May your penis. "It causes all lucks and, that exactly and the れ is! There is a steering wheel of the problem which really shows them themselves of my life in those. Why you do not send the mail those like me, if "the wooden び coming stand of the $50 is given to us, most this time. "The we are the method of finishing the novel which last year is ended or" we like the album which really you make, sell to us. "Or," do to come in our graduate schools. "It does not go or why to forward and, that. "Really it is possible to be your work because and everyone so thinks, whether it does not maintain,", or, ". How like that concerning the スパム mail which old last 30 years already is not in the world where it is not possible "to obtain the credit card?

and how!

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attempting to silence the voices in my head.