Monday, July 16, 2007

Almost Live Matusri Blogging

gion matsuri111, originally uploaded by wwc photos.

Gion Matsuri accomplished. Drank sake sangria and beer and I still ain't drunk. But I am tired from walking 800 miles of matsuri in a jenbei looking for people I can't find. Drank beer. Keiko drinks lots of beer. A chinpira tried to fight a cop and tripped over a bunch or garbage bags. Yakisoba was eaten. Goodnight.


Anonymous said...

say man, you should make up some type of glossary cause i don't have time to google all this ching-chong business. are y'all having the japanese version of billy bowlegs or something?

guess what i'm doing to celebrate the end of my first semester of grad school. alabama swamp tour. uunnngh! -summer

wwc said...

Gion- famous neighborhood in Kyoto
Matsuri- festival
Gion Matsuri- strangely not in Gion but largest matsuri in Japan
Yakisoba- matsuri food, fried noodles
jinbei-men's summer clothing
Keiko-small lady in a yukata that likes to drink

Much like Billy Bowlegs but with less pirates. I brought up Billy Bowlegs last night. Trying to explain that rich people pretending to be pirates invade the city and then we have a parade in Japanese was a little odd. Alabama swamp tour? I just called it 'college.'

Jennifer B said...

That picture is beautiful.

wwc said...

Thank you Jennifer. You know what's up.

attempting to silence the voices in my head.