Saturday, July 7, 2007

Let's Bike Race Go!

I rode my bike from Kyoto to Osaka and back today. It was the back part that got to me. It took 2 1/2 hours to get there. I was actually trying to see if it was feasible to ride myself to Imaichi-Chu, where I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 2 1/2 hours might be a bit extreme. I was also trying to see if my trip across Shikoku is going to be possible. It was around the 3rd hour that I began to feel it. I think mentally, it is more tiring to retrace your steps. I ran out of water around the 4th hour and felt like garbage. I should also say that, being broke until payday, I have no money so I couldn't stop to get anything to eat. I think if, on my big trip, I stop every 3 hours and eat a bit I will be okay. The bike paths are spotty. They are really good in a few places but don't link up. There is a stretch around Kuzuha where I was forced to ride on the big, busy road. Not cool. Once you get to Makino/ Hirakata, there is a park the whole way down the river. The down side of this is that every few minutes you have to go through these absurd bike turnstile fences. A lot of the bike trail in Kyoto, down the Katsura River, is really lovely and surrounded by small farms. I am thinking of going back to steal eggplants and tomatoes. Is that morally acceptable when you are broke. I got a wicked sunburn to. But it was on purpose.

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attempting to silence the voices in my head.